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Green Logistics - overview

The combination of the environment and the logistics

The traditional definition of logistics encompasses the flow of materials from raw-materials supplier to end user. In green logistics, responsibility is also taken for what happens once the product has been used, through reuse and recycling to final disposal.

This course explains and discusses how and why the traditional logistics is extended to take responsibility for the product throughout the life cycle.

Utbildningsmål: Syftet med kursen är att ge insikter i hur och varför traditionell logistik har utvidgas till att ta ansvar för produkten under hela livscykeln.

Nivå: Grundkurs, du behöver inga förkunskaper.

Utbildningsmetod: Green Logistics - overview är en modulkurs som läses på distans över internet via vår e-learningsplatform Instant education. Läs mer om hur det fungerar här.

Utbildningens längd:Cirka 5 timmar aktiv studietid.

Fakturapris: 650 kronor / studerande.

Pris exkl. moms.
För större utbildningsprojekt; begär offert.


500 kronor / studerande

Priset är exkl. moms

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Kursen innehåller:

Green Logistics
In green logistics, responsibility is also taken for what happens once the product has been used.

The Interplay between Logistics and the Environment
An environmental orientation is a means of competing that increases the awareness of resource consumption leading to lower costs.

Logistics Versus the Environment
Logistics versus the environment – are these opposing interests or not?

Reverse Logistics
Reverse logistics is the term for that area of green logistics concerned with the reverse flow of materials.

Reverse Logistics and the End Customer
The end consumer determines the prerequisites for what will happen in the flow of materials.

Requirements for Packaging Return Systems
As new return systems come into being, the authorities stipulate requirements for them.

The Structure of Return Systems
The structure of packaging return systems consists of several components.

Transportation and the Environment
Transportation affect the environment in three ways.

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