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5S - Sort out and Organize
Organized order at your workplace
5S is a method in creating a common standard and to keep order in the work place. This makes it easier to find, for example, tools and equipment when needed. It's about getting the workplace to function optimally for standardized work.
This short course offers insights into the process of applying 5S as a tool at the introduction of the principles of Lean Production. Implementing 5S is not easy but it is a necessary precondition for a successful change process.
Utbildningsmål: Du lär dig vikten av ett standardiserat arbetssätt och hur man kan åstadkomma effektivitetshöjningar med enkla åtgärder och relativt blygsamma investeringar.
Nivå: Grundkurs, du behöver inga förkunskaper.
Utbildningsmetod: 5S - Sort out and Organize är en modulkurs som läses på distans över internet via vår e-learningsplatform Instant education. Läs mer om hur det fungerar här.
Utbildningens längd:Cirka 5 timmar aktiv studietid.
Fakturapris: 650 kronor / studerande.
Pris exkl. moms.
För större utbildningsprojekt; begär offert.
500 kronor / studerande
Priset är exkl. moms
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Kursen innehåller:
Improvement Potential with Lean Production
The manager and the staff of a company must dare to challenge both their physical and mental processes.
The Foundation of Lean Production
The concepts Stability and Standard form the foundation of the Lean model or temple.
What is 5S?
5S is a simple and effective method to create and sustain order and keep material, tools etc in their places.
Preparatory 5S Work
To consider before 5S work begins.
Step 1 - Sort
Identify and sort out what is unnecessary.
Step 2 - Set
Organize everything so that it can easily be found.
Step 3 - Shine
Keep the workplace nice and clean.
Step 4 - Standardize
Maintain order by standardizing working methods.
Step 5 - Sustain
Create a habit through discipline and training.
The Systematics and Continuity of 5S
5S means establishing a basic behavior, which in turn means that the organization each day does what is agreed upon.