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Arbetsmiljö, risker och ergonomi
Egenkontroll för säker hantering av livsmedel
GMP vid tillverkning av förpackningar
God HygienPraxis inom livsmedelshantering
Krav på verksamhet med livsmedelshantering
Skydd av livsmedel mot skadegörelse
Good Distribution Practice - EU
Good Distribution Practice - German
Good Distribution Practice - Polish
Protection of Food against Intentional Damage
Self-Control for Safe Handling of Food Products
Self-Control for Safe Handling of Food Products
To work preventively with food safety
The basis of food legislation is that those who want to provide food on the market are also responsible for ensuring that these foods are safe and correctly labeled. The National Food Administration is a central authority that leads and coordinates food control in Sweden on the basis of the EU framework on food safety.
Self-control is a way of working preventively with food safety. All companies in the food chain, where food is handled professionally, must have a self-monitoring program. This course has been developed in collaboration with an authority that performs food control of companies.
Utbildningsmål: Enligt lagstiftningens krav ska företagets egen kontroll tillgodose en god livsmedelssäkerhet. Kraven baseras på är en god hygienpraxis och en god tillverkningssed som skapar bra allmänna hygieniska förhållanden för hantering av livsmedel. Kursen ger dig insikter i gällande lagstiftning inom egenkontroll.
Nivå: Grundkurs, du behöver inga förkunskaper.
Utbildningsmetod: Self-Control for Safe Handling of Food Products är en modulkurs som läses på distans över internet via vår e-learningsplatform Instant education. Läs mer om hur det fungerar här.
Utbildningens längd:Cirka 4 timmar aktiv studietid.
Fakturapris: 750 kronor / studerande.
Pris exkl. moms.
För större utbildningsprojekt; begär offert.
550 kronor / studerande
Priset är exkl. moms
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Kursen innehåller:
Food Legislation
Those supplying food products to the market are responsible for ensuring that such products are safe and properly labelled.
A food (or foodstuff) is usually defined as anything that can be expected to be eaten or drunk by humans,and that does not fall under the scope of pharmaceutical legislation.
Food Quality
Food quality is a complex concept and encompasses condition, characteristics and value.
Food Product Business
According to the EU framework for food hygiene, food companies must either be registered or approved by a control authority.
Self-Control for Safe Handling of Food Products
Self-control is a way of working preventively with food safety.
Risk Analysis and Critical Control Points
This systematic risk analysis for self-monitoring is called HACCP.
Business Analysis in the Work with the HACCP principles
To more easily find the dangers in the business´s food handling
To do a Hazard Analysis
To identify all the hazards in the business flow that can cause health risks for the consumer.
Determining and Managing Critical Control Points
For each critical control point, routines must be established to verify that it is under control.
Food Labelling
The labelling of food must not mislead the consumer.