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Planering av produktion och investeringar
Produktionsekonomi och budgetering - översikt
Economic Control and Budgeting - overview
Business Economics - overview
To use the company's resources to satisfy customer needs
Business economics is concerned with the use of company resources necessary for it to function. It is important to monitor the use of the resources in order to give the best value for customers and the company's stakeholders.
Syftet med kursen är att ge insikt i användningen av företagsekonomi i ett företag för att tillfredsställa kundernas behov.
Grundkurs, du behöver inga förkunskaper.
Business Economics - overview är en modulkurs som läses på distans över internet via vår e-learningsplatform Instant education. Läs mer om hur det fungerar här.
Utbildningens längd:Cirka 5 timmar aktiv studietid.
Fakturapris: 650 kronor / studerande.
Pris exkl. moms.
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500 kronor / studerande
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Kursen innehåller:
What is Business Economics
Business economics is a term used to describe and explain the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.
Basic Financial Concepts
In order to understand how a company’s resources can be used in the best possible manner, we must learn how to use a number of financial concepts.
Results and Profitability
How to measure profitability.
Use of Capital
The amount of capital needed by a company may vary, as does the manner in which the capital is used.
The DuPont Model
A model to analyze where there is greatest potential for improvement within a company.
Interactive DuPont Model
Interactive Du Pont model used to calculate profitability.
Variable and Fixed Costs
A company’s costs can be divided into variable and fixed costs.
Direct and Indirect Costs
One of the main problems of product costing is to determine which costs are caused by or used for a particular cost unit.
Incremental Costs and Joint Costs
The causal connection between action and costs.
Capital Tied up in Inventory
A basic premise for material control is that tied-up capital should be kept at a low level.
Inventory Turnover Rate
Inventory turnover rate is a measure of how quickly the inventory is renewed.