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Sustainable Purchasing in the Supply Chain

Responsibility for the product throughout the life cycle

Sustainable purchasing is a conscious management process, which attempts to identify and reduce environmental impact and to maximize resource efficiency. An organization practicing this policy works with a view to maximizing net benefits for themselves and the wider world.

This includes the development of goals and guidelines for the company’s purchasing activities and to design assortment and supplier strategies.

Utbildningsmål: Syftet med kursen är att ge insikter i omfattningen av begreppet hållbart inköp relaterad till varje steg i utvecklingen av slutprodukt, materialleveranser och leverantörsval.

Nivå: Påbyggnad, du bör ha arbetat någon tid inom området.

Utbildningsmetod: Sustainable Purchasing in the Supply Chain är en modulkurs som läses på distans över internet via vår e-learningsplatform Instant education. Läs mer om hur det fungerar här.

Utbildningens längd:Cirka 6 timmar aktiv studietid.

Fakturapris: 650 kronor / studerande.

Pris exkl. moms.
För större utbildningsprojekt; begär offert.


500 kronor / studerande

Priset är exkl. moms

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Kursen innehåller:

Managing the Operation
Planning for and controlling the resources used in the process to get the most value out of them.

The Operations Management System
Operations management is part of a production system of several functional areas within an organization.

Cross-functional Coordination
Operations managers need to build and maintain solid relationships both internally and externally.

Conflicts in Objectives
Often a departmental objective is maximized without considering the effect it has on other parts of the company.

Strategic Purchasing
Overall purchasing activities related to the operation or the company's business plans.

Purchasing Strategy in Strategic Planning
Purchasing organizations will be expected to take an increasing role in overall corporate strategy.

Sustainable Purchasing
Sustainable purchasing is an environmentally-conscious management process.

Supply Chain Links to Operation Strategy
The nature of demand for a company’s products is a key factor in the best choice of a supply chain design.

Supply Chain Management Concept
SCM seeks to synchronize the functions of a company and of its suppliers to match with customer demand.

Green Logistics
In green logistics, responsibility is also taken for what happens once the product has been used.

Green Logistics within Supply Chain
Reducing environmental and other negative impacts associated with the movement of supplies.

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