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Packaging Logistics
To be an effective part of the logistic chain
Packaging logistics is a new field within logistics where packaging is regarded as a part of the logistics chain, rather than as an isolated part with a solely protective function. Just as important are the requirements and wishes expressed by the players in the packaging system.
This course explains the important requirements for the design of the packaging to meet the stresses produced by the distribution system during handling.
Utbildningsmål: Syftet med kursen är att ge insikter i viktiga krav för utformning av en förpackning för att vara en effektiv del av logistikkedjan.
Nivå: Grundkurs, du behöver inga förkunskaper.
Utbildningsmetod: Packaging Logistics är en modulkurs som läses på distans över internet via vår e-learningsplatform Instant education. Läs mer om hur det fungerar här.
Utbildningens längd:Cirka 4 timmar aktiv studietid.
Fakturapris: 650 kronor / studerande.
Pris exkl. moms.
För större utbildningsprojekt; begär offert.
500 kronor / studerande
Priset är exkl. moms
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Kursen innehåller:
Packaging logistics
The significance of packaging as an important component in the logistics chain.
Logistics Functions of Packaging
A description of some of the logistics functions that affect an item of packaging.
Package Distribution Systems
A classification of distribution systems should be based on the system’s association with various types of damage or the risk thereof.
The Requirements on Packaging Design
The functions of packaging.
Making the Handling of Packaging More Efficient
Various demands that are placed on packaging in order to make its handling more efficient.
The Environmental Function of Packaging
It is important to study and analyze the effect that packaging has on the environment in order to find optimal packaging solutions.
Protecting Goods Inside the Packaging
In many cases it is not sufficient to create packaging that protects goods against external stresses.
Labeling of Goods
The labeling of goods facilitates an effective and safe handling.