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Flow by Lean and Logistics

Improvement in the efficiency of the operation

Concepts from Lean Production together with logistic methods can be combined to utilize company resources in an efficient way. Based on the company’s competitive priorities for its products or services, the operation managers must select a flow strategy.

This determines how the operations system is organized to handle the volume and variety of products or services for a specific market segment.

Utbildningsmål: Syftet med kursen är att ge djupgående insikter i hur man kombinerar lean production och logistik i ett produktionssystem.

Målgrupp: Den här kursen passar den som arbetar med produktionsplanering och verksamhetsutveckling, produktionsteknik eller andra som vill förbättra sina kunskaper inom ämnesområdet.

Förkunskaper: Förkunskaper inom logistik och lean production underlättar studierna.

Utbildningsmetod: Flow by Lean and Logistics är en Premiumkurs som läses över internet via vår plattform för e-learning Instant Education.

Läs mer om utbildningsmetoden E-learning

Utbildningens längd: Cirka 20 timmar aktiv studietid, beroende på förkunskaper. Varje studerande har tillgång till sin kurs i 6 månader.

Fakturapris: 3890 kronor / studerande.

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För större utbildningsprojekt; begär offert.


3740 kronor / studerande

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Kursen innehåller:

Del 1

Manufacturing Companies

Resources and expertise are required to be able to develop products as efficiently as possible.

Key Performance Indicators in Logistics

Logistics efficiency and some of its Key Performance Indicators.

Managing the Operation

Planning for and controlling the resources used in the process to get the most value out of them.

Flow Manufacturing

Some principles to help in the development of a Lean production system.

Aggregate Production Planning

The aggregate plan specifies how the company will work for the next year within existing facility constraints.

Use of Organizational Resources

The input from functional areas to the aggregate plan has conflicting objectives for the use of the resources.

Capacity Management

Capacity management occurs at all levels of the planning process.

Capacity Planning

The process of determining the resources required to meet the priority plan.

Resource Efficient Organization

In the resource efficient organization, the efficient handling of all resources, both internal and external, is of great importance.

The Operations Management System

Operations management is part of a production system of several functional areas within an organization.

Cross-functional Coordination

Operations managers need to build and maintain solid relationships both internally and externally.

Internal and External Efficiency

Measuring the ability to be efficient.

Del 2

The Lean Production Concept

The Lean Production concept encompasses several principles, as well as several tools.

Lean Thinking and Manufacturing Planning

The philosophy and techniques of lean manufacturing are related to how processes and methods of manufacture are designed.

Waste Caused in Manufacturing

There are several sources of waste in manufacturing activities.

The Process of Adding Value

It is necessary that the customer sees a higher value in the product compared to other alternative products.

Transition to Flow Paths

The process of organizing machinery and equipment on the basis of products and flow paths.

Manufacturing Systems

The objectives when designing and planning a manufacturing system.

Flow Paths and Efficiency

A consequence of the transition to flow paths in the material flow is a gradual improvement in the efficiency of the operation.

Improving the Production Process

The processing flow can be improved by physically changing production processes.

Job Design

Job design is an important part of a company’s operating strategy because it defines the amount of flexibility needed in the work force.

Flow Times

Description of various flow times.

Meeting Delivery Times

Introductory description of various methods used to make the organization more efficient and to meet the agreed upon date of delivery.

Del 3

Production Activity Control

It is responsible for executing the master production schedule and the material requirement plan.

Manufacturing Systems and Production Control

There are a variety of systems for production activity control dependent on the manufacturing process.

The Principle of Takt-driven Production

Instead of maximizing the speed of work, Lean Production focuses on meeting customers’ needs in time.

Scheduling System Options

There are two basic approaches to scheduling systems for material planning: material requirements planning and just in time.

Manufacturing Lead Time

Manufacturing lead-time is the time normally required to produce an item in a typical lot quantity.

Reduction of Manufacturing Lead Time

Scheduling methods which can be used to reduce manufacturing lead time.

Process Flexibility

Process flexibility is desirable so the company can react swiftly to changes in the volume and mix of their products.

Setup Time in Production

Setup time is the time it takes to set up a machine to process a new product.

Focus on Setup Times

A successful Just-in-Time system usually involves placing an emphasis on reducing setup times.

Managing Bottlenecks

Scheduling and controlling the bottlenecks is extremely important for the throughput of a system.

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