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Grundläggande produktionsekonomi och logistik
Basic Production Economy and Logistics
Introduction to Business Economics and Budgeting
Flow by Lean and Logistics

Improvement in the efficiency of the operation
Concepts from Lean Production together with logistic methods can be combined to utilize company resources in an efficient way. Based on the company’s competitive priorities for its products or services, the operation managers must select a flow strategy.
This determines how the operations system is organized to handle the volume and variety of products or services for a specific market segment.
Syftet med kursen är att ge djupgående insikter i hur man kombinerar lean production och logistik i ett produktionssystem.
Den här kursen passar den som arbetar med produktionsplanering och verksamhetsutveckling, produktionsteknik eller andra som vill förbättra sina kunskaper inom ämnesområdet.
Förkunskaper inom logistik och lean production underlättar studierna.
Flow by Lean and Logistics är en Premiumkurs som läses över internet via vår plattform för e-learning Instant Education.
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Utbildningens längd:
Cirka 20 timmar aktiv studietid, beroende på förkunskaper. Varje studerande har tillgång till sin kurs i 6 månader.
3890 kronor / studerande.
Pris exkl. moms.
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3740 kronor / studerande
Priset är exkl. moms
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Kursen innehåller:
Del 1
Manufacturing Companies
Key Performance Indicators in Logistics
Managing the Operation
Flow Manufacturing
Aggregate Production Planning
Use of Organizational Resources
Capacity Management
Capacity Planning
Resource Efficient Organization
The Operations Management System
Cross-functional Coordination
Internal and External Efficiency
Del 2
The Lean Production Concept
Lean Thinking and Manufacturing Planning
Waste Caused in Manufacturing
The Process of Adding Value
Transition to Flow Paths
Manufacturing Systems
Flow Paths and Efficiency
Improving the Production Process
Job Design
Flow Times
Meeting Delivery Times
Del 3
Production Activity Control
Manufacturing Systems and Production Control
The Principle of Takt-driven Production
Scheduling System Options
Manufacturing Lead Time
Reduction of Manufacturing Lead Time
Process Flexibility
Setup Time in Production
Focus on Setup Times
Managing Bottlenecks
Öka tillgängligheten
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