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Operator Maintenance

To prevent errors and disruptions, and address them in the early stages

The TPM concept is based on that the operators through their knowledge and proximity to the machines know what to do to prevent errors and disruptions or detect them at an early stage. This reduces the loss in quality and the delivery reliability is improved.

Operational reliability and a good maintenance work has important implications to an organization's performance. This course describes how to develop operator maintenance and improve reliability.

Utbildningsmål: Du lär dig att förstå betydelsen av kontinuerlig uppföljning av driftsstörningar och anpassade åtgärder, för att utveckla företagets produktiva processer och höja den totala effektiviteten. Konceptet ger operatörerna större delaktighet i företagets verksamhet och förbättringsarbete.

Målgrupp: Kursen riktar sig till alla som arbetar inom produktion, underhållsteknik, produktionsutveckling, produktionsteknik och med effektivisering av företagets tillverkningsprocesser.

Förkunskaper: Det finns inga formella kunskapskrav, däremot rekommenderas viss erfarenhet av arbete inom produktion, underhåll och produktionsteknik.

Utbildningsmetod: Operator Maintenance är en Premiumkurs som läses över internet via vår plattform för e-learning Instant Education.

Läs mer om utbildningsmetoden E-learning

Utbildningens längd: Cirka 15 timmar aktiv studietid, beroende på förkunskaper. Varje studerande har tillgång till sin kurs i 6 månader.

Fakturapris: 3050 kronor / studerande.

Pris exkl. moms.
För större utbildningsprojekt; begär offert.


2900 kronor / studerande

Priset är exkl. moms

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Kursen innehåller:

Del 1

Total Productive Maintenance

A method for business development through the improvement of a company's productive processes, equipment and personnel.

Operational Reliability

Operational reliability has to do with a system's dependability.

Operational Reliability and Maintenance

The view of maintenance has changed to it being seen as an asset with which companies can increase their competitiveness.

The Fundamentals of Operator Maintenance

Maintenance that is performed by the equipment's operators can make a significant contribution to increased equipment effectiveness.

Implementation of Operator Maintenance

The implementation of operator maintenance means that production personnel actively take part in the maintenance work.

The Tool for Creating Standard and Stability

A basic tool used to create standard and stability is 5S.


Visualisation means providing the right amount of the right information to the right target group.

Motivating a Maintenance Organisation

It is difficult to see direct consequences of maintenance work, but it is nonetheless important to focus on the beneficial effects that arise for individuals and the entire business as a result of maintenance.

Del 2

TPM - Machine Reliability

An active TPM program allows a company to increase the reliability of its machinery.

Improvement Groups within TPM

The purpose of an improvement group is to achieve improvements.

Group Cohesion and Group Climate

One must take into account the fact that people and groups are both similar and different; the members of a group must complement each other in order for the group to be able to function effectively.

TPM and the Employee

It is important to make the employees feel involved in the quality development when implementing TPM.

Operator and Specialist Maintenance

The operator takes over parts of the traditional maintenance work over time, thus enabling the maintenance personnel to expand their area of responsibility.

Competence Development through Operational Monitoring

The analysis of the results of operational monitoring creates motivation and drive for competence development.

Competence Requirements for Operator Maintenance

Independent operator maintenance requires that the operators understand their equipment.

One-Point Lessons

A method that involves short training sessions aimed at providing in-depth and practical knowledge within a specific and limited area/topic.

Del 3

Maintenance Concepts

Different techniques for optimising maintenance and operations with the aim of preventing system faults or, alternatively, maintaining and improving the system's reliability.

The Seven Quality Control Tools – 7QC

The Seven Quality Control Tools are used to identify, analyse, structure and visualise the sources of problems as well as the factors that influence these sources.

Capability Tests and the Calculation of Capability Indices

A capability test is carried out in order to find out how well a machine or a process is able to produce within set tolerance limits.

Statistical Process Control

A sort of target-oriented control with statistical calculations performed on regular samples or spot-checks.

Availability, Performance and Quality Yield

The OEE measurement is a very useful indicator of a production facility's performance

Spare Parts

The aim of stocking and managing spare parts is to keep the total cost associated with spare parts as low as possible.

Control and Follow-up of Maintenance Work

The aim of follow-up within the maintenance function is to verify the positive effect of maintenance measures on the business operations and profitability.

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