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Logistics and Supply Chain

Managing demand and product flows in a supply chain network

The internationalization of the world business has substantially increased the border-crossing activities between companies.

In order to manage its demand and product flows, common operations are conducted in a supply chain network. The implementation of this special relationship among business entities is a supply chain management system.

Supply chain management has implications on technology, structure, and resource issues in an enterprise system.

Utbildningsmål: Syftet med denna kurs är att ge fördjupad kunskap inom utveckling och samordning av ett företags inköps-, produktions- och distributionsfunktioner till en sammanlänkad verksamhetskedja för att kunna möta kundernas krav.

Målgrupp: Denna kurs riktar sig till dig som arbetar med logistikfrågor inom produktionsplanering och utveckling, produktionsteknik, lagerstyrning, distribution eller med frågor om integrerade material- eller informationsflöden.

Förkunskaper: Förkunskaper krävs. Du bör ha någon arbetserfarenhet från något av följande funktoner: försörjning, tillverkning eller leverans.

Utbildningsmetod: Logistics and Supply Chain är en Premiumkurs som läses över internet via vår plattform för e-learning Instant Education.

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Utbildningens längd: Cirka 30 timmar aktiv studietid, beroende på förkunskaper. Varje studerande har tillgång till sin kurs i 6 månader.

Fakturapris: 5300 kronor / studerande.

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5150 kronor / studerande

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Kursen innehåller:

Del 1

Logistics in Global Markets

Logistics becomes an area of strategic importance and a source for competitive advantage.

Definition of Global Logistics

Global logistics encompasses the processes of materials management and physical distribution.

Distribution and Outbound Flow

Distribution deals with the outbound flow of materials.

A General Framework for Supply Chain

In order to manage demand and product flows, common operations are conducted in a supply chain network.

Supply and Distribution Structure

A distribution structure should be designed to guarantee the efficient organization of finished product flows.

The Value Chain of Business Functions

Planning and control decisions focus on one or more different business functions of an organization.

Defining Management

Management is the process of an organization by which the goals are achieved.

The Operations Management System

Operations management is part of a production system of several functional areas within an organization.

Cross-functional Coordination

Operations managers need to build and maintain solid relationships both internally and externally.

Managing the Operation

Planning for and controlling the resources used in the process to get the most value out of them.

Relationships with Suppliers

The lean production philosophy places a lot of emphasis on supplier relations.

Del 2

Supply Chain Principles

It is a set of linkage between a company’s suppliers that spans the activities of making and delivery.

Supply Chain Management Concept

SCM seeks to synchronize the functions of a company and of its suppliers to match with customer demand.

Developing Integrated Supply Chains

Successful supply chain management requires a high degree of functional and organizational integration.

Supply Chain Links to Operation Strategy

The nature of demand for a company’s products is a key factor in the best choice of a supply chain design.

Supply Chain Management Issues

The following issues play a major role in the implementation of a competitive supply chain system.

The Concept of Manufacturing Strategy

The strategy seeks to ensure that the right things are being done and that the right things are done well.

Competitive Priorities

To gain competitive advantage by developing selected capabilities.

Strategies Based on Flows

Numerous strategies exist between the two extremes of flexible flow and line flow strategies.

Flow Strategy and Competitive Priorities

The flow strategy is used to translate plans and competitive priorities of market segments into decisions.

Developing Strategies into Plans

The differences between a make-to-stock and a make-to-order production plan.

Del 3

Aggregate Production Planning

The aggregate plan specifies how the company will work for the next year within existing facility constraints.

Forecasting and Planning

Forecasting is a prelude to planning.

Demand Management

Demand management is the function of recognizing and managing all demand for products.

Characteristics of Demand

There are some characteristics of demand that influence the forecast and the particular techniques used.

Estimating the Demand Distribution

Finding the appropriate reorder point and safety stock requires estimating the demand distribution for the lead time.

Use of Organizational Resources

The input from functional areas to the aggregate plan has conflicting objectives for the use of the resources.

Preparing Aggregate Plans

Preparing the aggregate plans is dynamic step by step process new information becomes available.

Production and Distribution Chain

There is a pattern of inventories functioning as buffers between links in the distribution chain.

Agile Systems in Changing Markets

The agile systems focus on flexible, efficient response to unique customer demand.

Supply Chain Dynamics

Disruptions in demand can spread through the entire supply chain causing significant swings in demand.

Materials Management Responsibility

Materials management views material flows as an interlinkt system.

Interfaces in Distribution Chain

Physical distribution provides a bridge between marketing and production

Objectives of Inventory Management

The objectives a company should have if it wants to maximize profit.

Del 4

Structuring the Flow of Material

Two ways to structure the flow of material are manufacturing planning & control, and physical supply and distribution.

Managing Material Flows

Factors which focus on the need for a more coordinated approach to managing the material flow.

Managing Assets

The need of working capital is dependent on the capital employment and how the capital is tied up in the company.

Distribution Inventory

The purpose of holding inventory in distribution centers is to improve customer service.

Distribution Inventory Management Systems

Distribution requirements planning system is one of the three distribution inventory management systems.

Service Level Policy

The decision about what the service level should be is usually a senior management decision.

Determining Service Levels

The service level is a statement of the percentage of time there is no stock-out.

Capacity Planning

The process of determining the resources required to meet the priority plan.

Capacity Strategies

Operations managers have to examine three dimensions of capacity strategy before making capacity decisions.

Physical Distribution

Distribution adds place value and time value by placing goods in markets where they are available.

Physical Distribution System

There are interrelated activities that affect customer service and the cost of providing it.

Warehousing and Distribution

The role of warehouses in a physical distribution system is presented.

Distribution Structure

Logistics is a strong changing factor in distribution structures

Measures of Supply Chain Performance

Typical inventory measures used to monitor supply chain performance.

Financial Measures of Supply Chain Performance

The flow of materials also affects various financial measures of concern to the company.

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