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Tailoring the Supply Chain to Customer Needs

Meeting customers satisfaction in highly demanding markets

Today companies in general are exposed to highly demanding markets. These markets are often characterized as being turbulent and dynamic, meaning that customer requirements
may change both quickly and often in unpredictable ways.

Companies often sell multiple products and serve customer segments with very different needs. Different products and segments have different implied demand uncertainty. Supply chain management seeks to synchronize the functions of a company and those of its suppliers to match the flow of materials, services, and information with customer demand.

Utbildningsmål: Syftet med denna kurs är att ge fördjupad kunskap inom utveckling och samordning av ett företags inköps-, produktions- och distributionsfunktioner till olika kundsegment genom avpassade strategier och policys för att kunna möta kundernas krav.

Målgrupp: Denna kurs riktar sig till dig som arbetar med logistikfrågor på strategisk nivå inom inköp, marknadsföring och distribution, produktionsplanering och marknadsanalys, lagerstyrning och transporter eller med frågor kring internationell logistik.

Förkunskaper: Förkunskaper krävs. Du bör ha bred arbetserfarenhet från någon av följande funktoner: försörjning, distribution, tillverkning eller internationella transporter.

Utbildningsmetod: Tailoring the Supply Chain to Customer Needs är en Premiumkurs som läses över internet via vår plattform för e-learning Instant Education.

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Utbildningens längd: Cirka 20 timmar aktiv studietid, beroende på förkunskaper. Varje studerande har tillgång till sin kurs i 6 månader.

Fakturapris: 3890 kronor / studerande.

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3740 kronor / studerande

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Kursen innehåller:

Del 1

Supply Chain Management Concept

SCM seeks to synchronize the functions of a company and of its suppliers to match with customer demand.

Basics of Supply Chain Management

An overall perspective of the flow from the first link of the supply chain to final consumption.

Supply Chain Management Issues

The following issues play a major role in the implementation of a competitive supply chain system.

A General Framework for Supply Chain

In order to manage demand and product flows, common operations are conducted in a supply chain network.

Matching Supply and Demand Pattern

The supply chain is a dynamic system making the matching work more difficult.

Logistics in Global Markets

Logistics becomes an area of strategic importance and a source for competitive advantage.

International Logistics

The global scale of companies’ operations has resulted in an international perspective in the construction of logistics systems.

Total Cost Model

Model for selecting the optimal balance between high delivery service and low logistics costs.

Del 2

Supply and Distribution Structure

A distribution structure should be designed to guarantee the efficient organization of finished product flows.

Distribution Channel Design

Explanation of the term distribution channel.

Cooperation in the Distribution Channel

There are three types of cooperation between organizations in a distribution channel.

Decision Levels of Supply Chain Activities

SCM comprises three decision levels of activities that different parts of the company will focus on.

Supply Chain Dynamics

Disruptions in demand can spread through the entire supply chain causing significant swings in demand.

The Demand Side of Supply Chain

Customers of today are more conscious of their role and power.

Meeting the Customer’s Needs

To a large extent, running a business involves organizing resources and expertise in order to meet the customers’ needs.

Demand Mapping

Demand mapping means predicting future demand from customers.

Accurate Response in a Global Supply Chain

Accurate response entails figuring out what forecasters can and cannot predict well.

Tailoring the Supply Chain

Companies that consider changes in volatility of demand for the segmentation of their product portfolio are more successful.

Del 3

Competitive Priorities

To gain competitive advantage by developing selected capabilities.

Developing Integrated Supply Chains

Successful supply chain management requires a high degree of functional and organizational integration.

Supply Chain Links to Operation Strategy

The nature of demand for a company’s products is a key factor in the best choice of a supply chain design.

Supply Chain Responsiveness

Balancing responsiveness to changing market requirements.

Design Features for Responsive Supply Chains

The Lean Supply Chain

Assess the opportunity for applying lean to the whole supply chain, not just the single company.

Agile Systems in Changing Markets

The agile systems focus on flexible, efficient response to unique customer demand.

Customer Service and Supply Service

Explanation of the terms customer service and supply service.

Market Analysis of Supply Service

Every customer has different service requirements, which complicates supply service.

Measures of Supply Chain Performance

Typical inventory measures used to monitor supply chain performance.

Financial Measures of Supply Chain Performance

The flow of materials also affects various financial measures of concern to the company.

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