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Design of Logistics Concepts for Efficient Supply Chains

Designing Products from a Logistic Perspective

Product development process has become globally distributed with activities spread out both physically and at times, incorporating suppliers and customers. Design is a key competitive capability that is often neglected in the management of supply chains.

The design of a product is a starting point not only for its improvement of the physical characteristics, but also in the area of other conditions having impact on its logistics efficiency.

A logistically efficient product will be understood as goods or service that has a number of features which facilitate or support logistics management of this product or service.

Utbildningsmål: Syftet med kursen är att ge dig utökade färdigheter och insikter i hur du utvecklar, anpassar och samordnar logistikkoncept inom funktionerna leveranser, produktion och distribution i en integrerad kedja av aktiviteter som tillgodoser kundens behov.

Målgrupp: Den här kursen är för dig som arbetar med logistiska frågor inom produkt- och förpackningsutveckling, produktionsplanering, produktionsteknik, lagerhantering, distribution, transporter och andra affärspositioner relaterade till det integrerade flödet av material och information.

Förkunskaper: Förkunskaper krävs. Du bör ha arbetserfarenhet från någon av följande funktioner: planering, försörjning, tillverkning eller leveranser.

Utbildningsmetod: Design of Logistics Concepts for Efficient Supply Chains är en Premiumkurs som läses över internet via vår plattform för e-learning Instant Education.

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Utbildningens längd: Cirka 30 timmar aktiv studietid, beroende på förkunskaper. Varje studerande har tillgång till sin kurs i 6 månader.

Fakturapris: 5300 kronor / studerande.

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5150 kronor / studerande

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Kursen innehåller:

Del 1

What is Logistics?

Logistics can be defined as the science of efficient flows.

What is Manufacturing?

Production processes are as varied as the products they produce.

Movement of Materials

Activities involved in moving goods from the supplier to the consumer

Convergent and Divergent Flows

General description of the two terms.

Structuring the Flow of Material

Two ways to structure the flow of material are manufacturing planning & control, and physical supply and distribution.

What Factors Affect the Flow of Materials?

Functions within a company that affect the flow of materials.

Product Logistics Efficiency

Features which allows to manage the product more effectively in terms of logistics.

The Product Development Process

A successful product development requires a deep understanding of customers and their needs.

Logistics Integration in Product Design

Logistics must be included in the processes of design as an integral part.

Defining Design Principles for Logistics Efficiency

Products should be designed to meet requirements of the markets in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.

Logistics as an Element in Design for Excellence

A concept inherently connected with the concepts of product design and development.

Del 2

Conflicts in Objectives

Often a departmental objective is maximized without considering the effect it has on other parts of the company.

Conflicting Objectives in Inventory Management

The overall objective is to ensure that goods arrive in the desired quantity when they are needed.

Integrating Product Design into the Supply Chain

Integrating product design into the supply chain can be made in different ways.

Design for Logistics Concept

A series of concepts in the field of supply chain management involving product and design approaches.

Guidelines for Designers on Logistics Aspects

Guidelines for the designers who consider logistic aspects when designing their products.

Postponement and Logistics Flexibility

It refers to the extent that parts of manufacturing and logistics operations can be delayed until customer commitments are known.

Key Performance Indicators in Logistics

Logistics efficiency and some of its Key Performance Indicators.

Total Cost Model

Model for selecting the optimal balance between high delivery service and low logistics costs.

The Resource-Based View on Organising Internal Processes

A company’s sustainable competitive advantage is connected to its internal resources.

Del 3

Logistics and Transportation Demand

The companies´ material supply and the need for transportation have changed because of the globalized market.

Packaging in the Supply Chain

The largest impact on costs derives from packaging interaction with activities in the supply chain.

Package Design for Supply Chain Efficiency

For packaging designers it is important to know which significant factors are the most critical.

Packaging of Products

The basic role of packaging is to carry the goods safely through a distribution system to the customer

Unitization of Goods

Unitization is the consolidation of several units into large units, called unit loads.

Making the Handling of Packaging More Efficient

Various demands that are placed on packaging in order to make its handling more efficient.

Distribution Packaging

Transport and distribution packaging need to be matched to its logistics system.

Freight Shipment Package Types

Higher value items should be packed in stronger containers with more cushioning protection than average value items.

Fill Rate in Cargo Transportation

A level of fill rate can be the target for improvement and an efficiency measure.

Del 4

Product Complexity

Introductory description of the factors affecting the manufacturing planning and control.

General Planning

The basic planning process for a company's business.

Manufacturing Planning and Control

Introductory description of the planning and control systems used in production processes.

Basic Production Strategies

There are three basic strategies that can be used in developing a production plan.

Material Planning and Aspects of Marketplace

Detailed material planning approaches related to key aspects of marketplace requirements and manufacturing.

Lean Thinking and Manufacturing Planning

The philosophy and techniques of lean manufacturing are related to how processes and methods of manufacture are designed.

Managing Material Flows

Factors which focus on the need for a more coordinated approach to managing the material flow.

Uninterrupted Flow

Ideally, material should flow smoothly from one operation to the next with no delays.

Financial Measures of Supply Chain Performance

The flow of materials also affects various financial measures of concern to the company.

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