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Design av logistikkoncept för leveranskedjor
Grundläggande Supply Chain Management
Internationell handel och logistik för konkurrenskraft
Kapitaleffektivisering av logistikflöden
Logistiktjänster och transporter för hållbarhet
Marknadsplanering för tillverkande företag
Varuflödesstyrning inom dagligvaruhandeln
Aggregate Supply Chain Planning
Design of Logistics Concepts for Efficient Supply Chains
Tailoring the Supply Chain to Customer Needs
Design of Logistics Concepts for Efficient Supply Chains

Designing Products from a Logistic Perspective
Product development process has become globally distributed with activities spread out both physically and at times, incorporating suppliers and customers. Design is a key competitive capability that is often neglected in the management of supply chains.
The design of a product is a starting point not only for its improvement of the physical characteristics, but also in the area of other conditions having impact on its logistics efficiency.
A logistically efficient product will be understood as goods or service that has a number of features which facilitate or support logistics management of this product or service.
Syftet med kursen är att ge dig utökade färdigheter och insikter i hur du utvecklar, anpassar och samordnar logistikkoncept inom funktionerna leveranser, produktion och distribution i en integrerad kedja av aktiviteter som tillgodoser kundens behov.
Den här kursen är för dig som arbetar med logistiska frågor inom produkt- och förpackningsutveckling, produktionsplanering, produktionsteknik, lagerhantering, distribution, transporter och andra affärspositioner relaterade till det integrerade flödet av material och information.
Förkunskaper krävs. Du bör ha arbetserfarenhet från någon av följande funktioner: planering, försörjning, tillverkning eller leveranser.
Design of Logistics Concepts for Efficient Supply Chains är en Premiumkurs som läses över internet via vår plattform för e-learning Instant Education.
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Cirka 30 timmar aktiv studietid, beroende på förkunskaper. Varje studerande har tillgång till sin kurs i 6 månader.
5300 kronor / studerande.
Pris exkl. moms.
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5150 kronor / studerande
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Kursen innehåller:
Del 1
What is Logistics?
What is Manufacturing?
Movement of Materials
Convergent and Divergent Flows
Structuring the Flow of Material
What Factors Affect the Flow of Materials?
Product Logistics Efficiency
The Product Development Process
Logistics Integration in Product Design
Defining Design Principles for Logistics Efficiency
Logistics as an Element in Design for Excellence
Del 2
Conflicts in Objectives
Conflicting Objectives in Inventory Management
Integrating Product Design into the Supply Chain
Design for Logistics Concept
Guidelines for Designers on Logistics Aspects
Postponement and Logistics Flexibility
Key Performance Indicators in Logistics
Total Cost Model
The Resource-Based View on Organising Internal Processes
Del 3
Logistics and Transportation Demand
Packaging in the Supply Chain
Package Design for Supply Chain Efficiency
Packaging of Products
Unitization of Goods
Making the Handling of Packaging More Efficient
Distribution Packaging
Freight Shipment Package Types
Fill Rate in Cargo Transportation
Del 4
Product Complexity
General Planning
Manufacturing Planning and Control
Basic Production Strategies
Material Planning and Aspects of Marketplace
Lean Thinking and Manufacturing Planning
Managing Material Flows
Uninterrupted Flow
Financial Measures of Supply Chain Performance
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