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Operational Purchasing

Purchasing of goods and services in a cost effective way

The everyday call-off and material planning routines, namely the acquisition process, is carried out within the operational purchasing. These buyers have a close contact with suppliers. Logistics working methods and holistic thinking are common in this work. Knowledge of logistics is therefore important for operational purchasers.

Operational purchasing is usually a decentralized function in the company organization with placement near the flows of materials and services within production and administration.

Utbildningsmål: Den här kursen ger dig insikter om hur logistiska kunskaper kan underlätta inköpsarbetet med att att anskaffa varor och tjänster till rätt kvalitet och till bästa kostnad för företaget och på ett sätt som ger ett bra flöde till företaget.

Målgrupp: Kursen vänder sig till dig som arbetar eller avser att arbeta med operativa inköpsfrågor och avrop inom materialförsörjning.

Förkunskaper: Det finns inga formella kunskapskrav, däremot rekommenderas att det finns en viss erfarenhet av inköpsarbete och leverantörskontakter.

Utbildningsmetod: Operational Purchasing är en Premiumkurs som läses över internet via vår plattform för e-learning Instant Education.

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Utbildningens längd: Cirka 20 timmar aktiv studietid, beroende på förkunskaper. Varje studerande har tillgång till sin kurs i 6 månader.

Fakturapris: 3890 kronor / studerande.

Pris exkl. moms.
För större utbildningsprojekt; begär offert.


3740 kronor / studerande

Priset är exkl. moms

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Kursen innehåller:

Del 1

Purchasing Operations Structure

Purchasing operations can be divided into strategic, tactical and operational purchasing.

Operational Purchasing

The operational purchasing contains the everyday call-off and material planning.

Production Systems

Factors included in a production system.

The Logistics Function

Handling flow of materials.

What Factors Affect the Flow of Materials?

Functions within a company that affect the flow of materials.

The Changing Face of Materials Supply

The interplay in materials supply.

The Materials Supply Function

Description of the materials supply function.

The Planning Process

Planning levels and level of detail.

Manufacturing Planning and Control

Introductory description of the planning and control systems used in production processes.

Capital Tied up in Inventory

A basic premise for material control is that tied-up capital should be kept at a low level.

Managing Uncertainty

Managing uncertainty and estimating future demand as basis for short and long term decisions.

Objectives of Managing Uncertainty

To improve the availability of information for internal and external stakeholders.

Del 2

Purchasing Requirements

Identifying the company’s purchasing needs and purchasing planning.

Increased Purchase Frequency

Increased purchase frequency at companies entails reduced purchase quantities per call-off and an increased frequency of delivery.

Purchasing Lead Time

The purchasing lead time for a purchase planning can be divided into time elements that are linked to the material procurement process.

Reduced Delivery Times and Greater Delivery reliability

Reduced delivery times and greater delivery reliability to achieve flexibility and adaptability.

Demand-driven Materials Supply and Production

Production and delivery take place according to actual consumption in the flow of materials.

Simple Procedures and Improved Cooperation

Efforts that are focused on procedures and communication should result in lower costs.

Purchasing – Enhancing Efficiency

Enhancing the efficiency in the administrative flow.

Supplier Classification

The usual terminology is to classify suppliers for their products and services.

Trends Among Industrial Buyers

Description of trends and demands in procurement.

Purchasing and Supplier Relationships

Introductory description of the term supplier structure.

Supplier Cooperation

Relationships with suppliers should be considered from a broader perspective than solely as a means to acquire materials.

Customer Service Agreements

Description of various elements regarding customer service agreements.

Del 3

Purchase Planning and Forecasting

We get from the supplier what we ask the supplier to furnish.

Characteristics of Demand

There are some characteristics of demand that influence the forecast and the particular techniques used.

Controlling Materials Flow in Inventory

Managing inventory to match supply and demand.

Order Point Systems

The definition of an order point system and how to use it.

Periodic Ordering Systems

Explanation of the implication and function of a periodic ordering system.

Lot Sizing and Economic Order Quantities

Regulations for how to calculate batch sizes.

The Wilson Formula

The Wilson formula is used to calculate the most economic order quantity.

Delivery Monitoring

Working with delivery monitoring to assure delivery.

Follow-up of Delivery Performance

Routines for following up the delivery and the supplier.

Receiving Inspection

Receiving inspection of arriving goods.

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