Kundvagn: | Totalt: 0 kr |
Förhandlingsteknik med leverantörer
Försörjning av produktionssystem
Inköp och leverantörsplanering
Inköp, leveranser och leverantörskvalitet
Materialförsörjning - leverantörsutveckling
Riskhantering av leverantörsnätverk
Strategiskt inköp för riskhantering och hållbarhet
Introduction to International Purchasing
Purchasing and Supplier Planning
Risk Management of Supplier Network
Purchasing in Evolution
To operate in a one-world market
Almost all businesses have to learn to operate in a one-world market. Breakthroughs in transportation and communications bring foreign suppliers practically as close as domestic ones. Plant visits and negotiating sessions have become almost a routine for many industrial buyers.
Rapid advances in technology have redirected certain aspects of business and technical education and have created demand for new types of specialists in procurement. The purchasing function and their staffs are being called on to play an active role in managing change.
Utbildningsmål: This course provides you with profound insights into the scope of authority for purchasing to meet the demand for an active role in managing change and to operate in a one-world market.
Målgrupp: People who are working, or are about to start working with purchasing issues, need planning and analysis, supplier development, project management, designing specifications of requirement or have a cost responsibility regarding maintenance and supplier contacts.
Förkunskaper: Participants should have knowledge in basic logistic principles and purchasing acquired from previous studies or from work experience.
Purchasing in Evolution är en Premiumkurs som läses över internet via vår plattform för e-learning Instant Education.
Läs mer om utbildningsmetoden
Utbildningens längd: Cirka 20 timmar aktiv studietid, beroende på förkunskaper. Varje studerande har tillgång till sin kurs i 6 månader.
Fakturapris: 3890 kronor / studerande.
Pris exkl. moms.
För större utbildningsprojekt; begär offert.
3740 kronor / studerande
Priset är exkl. moms
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Kursen innehåller:
Del 1
A Changing Business Landscape
Lean Thinking and Manufacturing Planning
Purchasing in Evolution
Purchasing in Worldwide Economy
Driving Forces in the World around a Company
Sustainable Purchasing
Ethical Standards in Purchasing
Ethical Responsability in Supplier Relations
Obligations to Suppliers
Del 2
The Operations Management System
The Basis of Authority for Purchasing
The Scope of Authority for Purchasing
Purchasing Objectives
Purchasing Policy
Responsibility for Analyzing Requirements
Responsibility for Specifying
Product Specification and Design
Development of Value Engineering
Meeting Competition with Better Value
Del 3
Purchasing Patterns are Changing
Purchase Planning and Forecasting
Purchasing and Quality Assurance
Purchasing Performance
Measures within Delivery Monitoring
Purchasing and Warehousing
Vendor Managed Inventory
Supplier Relationship Management
Information Technologies in Purchasing
The Importance of Communication
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