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Förpackningslogistik för transporter
Godshantering och administration
Grundläggande internationell transporträtt
Grundläggande lager och distribution
Grundläggande produktionsekonomi och lager
Intermodala containertransporter
Introduktion sjötransporter och spedition
Introduktion till transporträtt
Livsmedelssäkerhet inom distribution
Reklamationshantering av transporter
Transporter och fraktberäkningar
Transportteknik för lastning och säkring
Basic International Transport Law
Introduction to Inventory Management
Managed Packaging for Supply Chain
Packaging for Distribution and Shipping
Physical Supply and Distribution
Basic International Transport Law

The transport law is an important part of international trade.
International trade is characterized by complexity since different areas of law and regulations meet and the number of parties involved in a single transaction can be significant. The logistical chain of transport from producer to consumer is becoming increasingly complex with increased globalization. Therefore, well-functioning and efficient transport is required.
The freight forwarder’s task is to organize international and national freight transport on behalf of others. The responsibility of the freight forwarder and the carrier is governed by different rules, but they only have limited liability. Incoterms are a necessary element in every international purchase agreement together with various insurance solutions.
The course gives you broad insights into various issues when it comes to managing the import and export of goods as transport services in different forms of transport in a global perspective. You get also insights into the delivery terms Incoterms 2020 and customs technology.
The course is aimed at people who work with transport, purchasing, distribution and warehouse.
There are no formal knowledge requirements, but you should preferably have worked for some time in the field.
Basic International Transport Law är en Premiumkurs som läses över internet via vår plattform för e-learning Instant Education.
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Utbildningens längd:
Cirka 25 timmar aktiv studietid, beroende på förkunskaper. Varje studerande har tillgång till sin kurs i 6 månader.
4590 kronor / studerande.
Pris exkl. moms.
För större utbildningsprojekt; begär offert.
4440 kronor / studerande
Priset är exkl. moms
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Kursen innehåller:
Del 1
Transportation and Logistics
The Transport Company
Material Flow becomes Goods Flow
The Concept of Cargo Owner during Transport
The Forwarding Company
Organizing Transports
Forwarders’ Document
The Responsibility of Forwarders
Liability Issues in Transport
The Liability of Carrier
Lack of Control Options
Del 2
General Information about Transport Law
Deadlines in Transport Law in General
Purchase Agreement for Transport Services
General Legal Principles
Delivery Terms
Incoterms and Combiterms’ Delivery Conditions
Choose the Right Delivery Terms
Risk Allocation when Delivering Goods
Goods and Liability Insurance
The Benefits of Cargo Insurance
Shipping Claims
Del 3
Transport Law is Part of International Trade
International Freight Transport
Sustainable Supply Chain
Selection of Suppliers for Sustainable Transport
Fill Rate in Cargo Transportation
Customs Technology
Customs Tariff
Transport Administration
Right of Lien for the Transport of Goods
Financial Risks in the Delivery of Transport Services
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