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Managers and Managing

Methods for achieving organizational goals

Organizations provide goods or services to their customers or clients and offer career opportunities to their members. Management has been called “the art of getting things done through people”.

Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the efforts of organization members and of using all other organizational resources to achieve stated organizational goals.

Who the leaders actually are will probably be more obvious in some organizations than in others.

Utbildningsmål: The purpose of the course is to provide you with extended skills and insights into how to motivate and coordinate the managing process of an organization to achieve stated organizational goals and continuously improve the performance.

Målgrupp: People working with planning, organizing, leading and controlling the efforts of people and other organizational resources to achieve stated organizational goals.

Förkunskaper: Previous knowledge is required. It is preferable that you have some work experience from areas related to managing an organization or a group of people.

Utbildningsmetod: Managers and Managing är en Premiumkurs som läses över internet via vår plattform för e-learning Instant Education.

Läs mer om utbildningsmetoden E-learning

Utbildningens längd: Cirka 25 timmar aktiv studietid, beroende på förkunskaper. Varje studerande har tillgång till sin kurs i 6 månader.

Fakturapris: 4590 kronor / studerande.

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För större utbildningsprojekt; begär offert.


4440 kronor / studerande

Priset är exkl. moms

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Kursen innehåller:

Del 1

What is a Company?

A company can be regarded as a chain of suppliers and customers, both internal and external.

The Company’s Stakeholders

A company’s stakeholders are the players, individuals, groups and organizations that have a stake in a company.

Why Organizations are Needed

The most obvious element an organization will have is a goal or a purpose.

Meeting the Customer’s Needs

To a large extent, running a business involves organizing resources and expertise in order to meet the customers’ needs.

Defining Management

Management is the process of an organization by which the goals are achieved.

Cross-functional Coordination

Operations managers need to build and maintain solid relationships both internally and externally.

Conflicts in Objectives

Often a departmental objective is maximized without considering the effect it has on other parts of the company.

What Managers Do

Manager takes on a wide range of roles to move the organization toward its stated goals.

Motivation in Organizations

Managers cannot lead unless subordinates are motivated to follow them.

The Importance of Communication

The communication process is the foundation upon which the management functions depend.

Job Design

Job design is an important part of a company’s operating strategy because it defines the amount of flexibility needed in the work force.

Management of Competence

Within an organization, technologies reflect what people are working on and what they are using to do that work.

The Shifting Boundary between Production and Administration

The boundary between administration and production is becoming less and less fixed.

Del 2

The Operations Management System

Operations management is part of a production system of several functional areas within an organization.

Use of Organizational Resources

The input from functional areas to the aggregate plan has conflicting objectives for the use of the resources.

Supply Chain Management Concept

SCM seeks to synchronize the functions of a company and of its suppliers to match with customer demand.

Supply Chain Management Issues

The following issues play a major role in the implementation of a competitive supply chain system.

Materials Supply

Description of tasks and responsibilities within the purchasing function.

Purchasing Objectives

The purchasing department is responsible for establishing the flow of materials into the company, following up with the supplier and expediting delivery.

Materials Management Responsibility

Materials management views material flows as an interlinkt system.

Managing the Inventory

Determining when to order replenishment to the inventory and what quantity should be ordered.

Objectives of Inventory Management

The objectives a company should have if it wants to maximize profit.

Distribution Management

In order to gain better control over their operations, one should recognize the importance of an integrated flow chain.

Del 3

The Concept of Manufacturing Strategy

The strategy seeks to ensure that the right things are being done and that the right things are done well.

What is Manufacturing?

Production processes are as varied as the products they produce.

Manufacturing Companies

Resources and expertise are required to be able to develop products as efficiently as possible.

Managing the Operation

Planning for and controlling the resources used in the process to get the most value out of them.

Definition of Production Systems

Overview of the basic production systems.

Developing a Production System

There are three methods to manufacture complicated products – handicraft production, mass production and lean production.

Demand Management

Demand management is the function of recognizing and managing all demand for products.

Manufacturing Planning and Control

Introductory description of the planning and control systems used in production processes.

The Planning Process

Planning levels and level of detail.

Capacity Management

Capacity management occurs at all levels of the planning process.

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