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Bygglogistik och förbättringsarbete
Försörjning till behovsstyrd förbrukningsplats
Logistik för effektiva byggprojekt
Manufacturing Planning and Control
Master Planning in Production
Optimizing manufacturing operations
Managing the operation means planning for and controlling the resources used in the process.
Production planning systems helps to ensure an efficient optimization work from the very early stages of concept planning through the production. It helps optimize material flow, resource utilization and logistics for all levels of plant planning.
Managers must carefully link both strategic and tactical decisions for maximum effectiveness.
Utbildningsmål: This course provides you with profound insights into how to ensure an efficient optimization work from the very early stages of concept planning through the production. It will also teach you how to optimize material flow, resource utilization and logistics for different levels of production planning.
Målgrupp: People working with production planning and development, production engineering, inventory management, purchasing, sourcing, and other business professionals wanting to improve their skills in master planning in production.
Förkunskaper: Participants should have knowledge of basic logistics principles and some insights into production planning.
Master Planning in Production är en Premiumkurs som läses över internet via vår plattform för e-learning Instant Education.
Läs mer om utbildningsmetoden
Utbildningens längd: Cirka 25 timmar aktiv studietid, beroende på förkunskaper. Varje studerande har tillgång till sin kurs i 6 månader.
Fakturapris: 4590 kronor / studerande.
Pris exkl. moms.
För större utbildningsprojekt; begär offert.
4440 kronor / studerande
Priset är exkl. moms
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Kursen innehåller:
Del 1
Supply Chain Management Concept
Supply Chain Links to Operation Strategy
Strategies Based on Flows
Flow Strategy and Competitive Priorities
Defining Management
The Operations Management System
Managing the Operation
Conflicts in Objectives
Materials Management
Structuring the Flow of Material
Managing Material Flows
Inventory Management
Del 2
The Concept of Manufacturing Strategy
What is Manufacturing?
Basic Production Systems
Definition of Production Systems
Manufacturing Planning and Control System
Nature of Demand
Demand Management
Aggregate Production Planning
Preparing Aggregate Plans
Capacity Management
Linking Capacity and Other Decisions
Del 3
Making the Production Plan
Basic Production Strategies
Developing Strategies into Plans
Master Production Schedule
Developing a Master Production Schedule
Master Scheduling Options
Planning Horizon
Production Planning, Master Production Scheduling, and Sales
Objectives of Inventory Management
Production and Distribution Chain
Financial Measures of Supply Chain Performance
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