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News from Gothia Logistics


New courses in international transport law

Gothia Logistics receives occasionally requests for customerization of existing courses and development of new courses. Our broad base of courses and the flexible technology make it possible to develop unique training courses for a company in a relatively simple way.

In 2023, requests have led to us developing courses in the field of transport law. Our swedish course Complaint handling of transport has shown that the need for knowledge in the area is great. During the spring, we received new requests for training in international transport laws from a globally distributing industrial company.

Transports with different means of transport and their combinations take place every day all over the world. Many parties, subjects and objects are affected. The right of transport extends over a legally extensive area, which further complicates the picture. All legal rules that regulate the relationship during the transport itself are covered by the concept of transport law.

After extensive development work, the following courses are now available. The information about these courses can be found by the respective links:

- Introduction to Transport Law
- Basic International Transport Law

Welcome to study in this field!


5S training project at Preciform

Preciform is a reliable supplier of mechanical components and systems with a successful track record in both design-to-order and manufacturing-to-print companies to the OEM industry.

The company specializes in injection molding of plastic, sheet metal processing and assembly of decorative products in plastic, stainless steel and aluminum for the automotive industry, equipment and safety companies. The company has experienced strong growth in recent years.

Gothia Logistics AB has together with our production management designed a practical and theoretical training program for the implementation of the Lean tool 5S in production in our factory in Eskilstuna.

Johan Bernhardsson
Production Manage


About the project
The initial project is similar to our program Workshop 5S - in theory and practice and began on the 10th of December. The project includes two workshops, a group-based game Standardized instructions, practical training in step 1 in a business area with a so-called "red tag" exercise and a web-based course in 5S-Sort and organize with a final exam with multiple choice questions.

The goal of the education is to link 5S with the Lean philosophy for increased understanding.


Risk management of supplier networks, newly developed course

The impulses for development work come from newer insights into the risks of long global supply chains, complex transport systems and dependencies on supplier structures that often lack flexibility. Gothia Logistics has therefore developed the Premium course Risk Management of Supplier Networks.

Risks have always been a part of the supply chain, not least in the effects of Corona's epidemic. The following articles describe this:
Effect of Coronavirus on China’s Supply Chains May 14, 2020
A New Wave of Globalization May 14, 2020


TPM training at Kubal

KUBAL is the sole producer of primary aluminum and one of the largest industrial facilities in Sweden. The Swedish Gränges Group owned the factory for many years before it was sold to Russian Rusal, one of the world's largest aluminum producers.

The raw material for the production of aluminum is bauxite which is converted to alumina and then in turn to primary aluminum in an electrolysis process.

About the project

This 2- day training, including practical training in workshops, will provide an in-depth understanding of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). The aim is to learn that maintenance is an approach that focuses on both company’s production and its employees, simultaneously.

The concept of TPM is based on a 7-step methodology starting with initial cleaning and ending up in independent operator maintenance. The training covers how to jointly implement this approach in a company. A web based course in TPM including a final test with multiple-choice questions is implemented in the training.

Regina Helena
Business System & Quality Director


New developed courses in 2018 and the spring of 2019

The impulses for development work come from our customers.
Premium courses:
Purchasing in Evolution
Managed Packaging for Supply Chain

Module courses:
Sustainable Purchasing in the Supply Chain
Packaging for Transportation in Supply Chains
Warehousing, Distribution and Delivery


International training at School of Engineering Jönköping University

Jönköping University is a modern professional-oriented university in Sweden characterized by a high degree of internationalization with some 11,000 students, of which 2,000 are international students coming from:
• Asia 45%
• Europe 44 %
• North America 8 %
• Other 3 %

The International Campuses of the School of Engineering are the nodes for implementation of education and research in an international environment.

In co-operation with Gothia Logistics, since 2015, we have been giving the e-course "Supplier Planning and Delivery Monitoring" each spring to about 100 of our international students at the B.Sc programme Logistics and Management. As our students are located worldwide, the e-learning method is undoubtedly a flexible way for the students to study theory and understand hands-on cases.

We believe that the training programme will motivate our students to work better with Purchasing, Logistics and Supply Chain in the future.

Jenny Bäckstrand, Examinator
School of Engineering,
Jönköping University


Customized Employee Orientation Training

Fitesa is one of the world's largest nonwovens suppliers to customers who use the material for their products primarily in the field of hygiene. Fitesa has 11 factories in the world, one of which is located in Norrköping.

In cooperation with Gothia Logistics, we have developed web-based employee orientation training comprised of a final test of 10 random multiple-choice questions that must be correctly answered before a personal course certificate is allowed to be printed directly. This introductory course aims to provide answers to various questions and to assist in the work of Fitesa Sweden.

Our work on obtaining material for the course has internally contributed to improved insights into the necessity of explicit routines and communication. Introductory training started at early April 2018, focusing primarily on vacation substitutes for the coming summer.

Marie Ebbeson
Fitesa Sweden AB
Human Resources Manager


Gothia Logistics forges strategic alliance with The Chineses Insitute of Purchasing Management Suzhou

Gothia Logistics has decided to strategically ally with CIPM (Suzhou) in China with intent to strengthen our access to the China’s market. We hope that the integration of Gothia Logistics’s expertise on manufacturing and logistics and CIPM’s valuable market resources will lead to increased business for both parties and better value to our clients.


Training on city logistics and co-distribution of food

In the summer of 2017, in cooperation with Gothia Logistics, we have adapted existing courses on food safety in the field of organic food and the problem of allergens in food.

The task of distribution for the municipality of Linköping commences on November 1, 2017 and will last for 5 years. Coordinated distribution of goods is something that is increasing in many areas of the country and is a segment that fits well into GDL's operations.

The education begins at week 42 and includes the courses Warehouse Management of Food for Co-distribution and Safe Food Transportation.

Fredrik Malmström
Production Manager
Distribution Terminal in Östergötland


New Courses Spring 2017

Premium course:
Strategic Purchasing

Module course:
Lean Logistics within Supply Chain
Safe Food Transportation


Customized training on Safe Food Transportation

In the spring of 2017 we, in collaboration with Gothia Logistics, have developed a new e-course Safe Food Transportation in Swedish and English for our approximately 100 drivers who are responsible for transporting food. We have used the Gothia Logistics customized systems by removing and adding course materials.

Since our drivers are of different nationalities and transport food in Europe, e-learning method is crucial to inform and ensure that the training is carried out in an approved manner. This is undoubtedly a flexible way for drivers to acquire knowledge at their convenience.

The course Safe Food Transportation focuses on quality and security during transportation according to the claims set by the EU and the National Food Agency. The participants must take the course and pass their final exams. Afterwards the participants can print out a certificate that can be presented to a supervisory authority. We get direct reports on the performance of the drivers and can therefore provide our customers the necessary certificates.

Mats Asplund
Environment and Quality Coordinator
Erikssons Åkeri AB



Fall 2016 New Course

Premium course: Packaging for Distribution and Shipping


The well-attended meeting by Logistics network at Rusta Norrköping

On the 22th of April, Gothia Logistics network had its meeting at Rusta's new central warehouse in Norrköping with the theme of regionally technique-equipped central warehouse for retail logistics. After the presentation and discussion on Rusta's concept of effective Scandinavian logistics, a tour was led by Andreas Havenslätt and Emma Lang from Rusta. A few pictures of the tour are showed here.


More TPM training to Volvo Car Corporation in Europe

Gothia Logistics carries out 2-3 new training programs at the school of production at Volvo Car Corporation even this year. The courses are: Basic TPM and Operator Maintenance .

The project includes E-learning plus guidance and tests, seminars and practical trainings at the site. The participants are composed of would-be production leaders and production technicians from the Swedish factories in Torslanda,Olofström and Skövde and one in Ghent, Belgium.


New customized educational programme for School of Engineering, Jönköping University

In 2015 we had a successful cooperation with Gothia Logistics on the e-course " Operational Purchasing – Overview", for the B.Sc programme Logistics and Management of Jönköping University . In cooperation with Gothia Logistics we continue in 2016 to develop a new e-course on " Supplier Planning and Delivery Monitoring" for our 80 students. We make use of Gothia Logistics’s customized system by removing and adding course materials as we wish in our new course. As our students are located world wide, the e-learning method is crucial for this course and it is undoubtedly a flexible way for the students to study theory and understand hands-on cases.

We do hope that the course developed with Gothia Logistics will motivate our students to work with Purchasing, Logistics and Supply Chain in the future.

Jenny Bäckstrand, Examinator and Ida Hägerby, Course Coordinator
School of Engineering,
Jönköping University


Competence development for PostNord Logistics TPL AB

PostNord Logistics TPL is the leading operator of 3-party logistics in Sweden with large regional logistic centers. The firm provides their customers all their logistic needs of import, export, inventory and distribution. Our inventory activities in Helsingborg, Region South have been increasing dramatically with new terminals and more personnel these years.

We have been cooperating with Gothia Logistics on various training projects for many years. In 2016 we make great efforts on leadership development at various levels . Our aim is to strengthen competence of our leaders to fulfill their demanding job responsibilities on the greatly changing market of logistics services.

Joakim Ohlsson
PostNord Logistics TPL Helsingborg


Workshop Production Logistics Flow in Suzhou, China

Gothia Logistics has organized and conducted a first workshop on June 26 in Suzhou, China. The theme this time was Production Logistics Flow. The participants came from various Scandinavian companies with manufacturing plants in the surrounding area. This workshop was conducted mainly in Chinese with elements of English.

The concept for this workshop includes group exercises, discussion of logistical problems within the participants' businesses and lean game Line, Kanban & Balancing. The exercises are combined with lectures on theories of how the efficiency of logistics flows can be created and followed up with a adapted KPI’s that initiate corrective action.

As a follow up to the seminar, the participants, who presented a problem issue for discussion in the group exercises, received a report with suggestions of measures to address the situation.

The participants' evaluation confirms that the unique concept suits in China. The number of participants should be kept to small groups so that experiences in discussions between the participants to be exchanged in a constructive way.

The logistics manager at AQ comments "professional and fun. The discussion on problem solving is very meaningful." The production manager at Fredriksons thinks that the workshop is "open mind and discussion. Real case analysis. "

The long experience that Gothia Logistics has of running professional network in Sweden can be well applied in China.

Kollage China


Customized education for School of Engineering, Jönköping University

Nearly 100 students at School of Engineering in Jönköping study the course Operational Purchasing – Overview online at the programme of Logistics and Management . The course is included in Purchasing Logistics and is studied merely digitally in English. Next year the new students in Vietnam will take this course as well.

The course is developed rapidly together with Jenny Bäckstrand, Ph.D. in order to apply our system for customized education.


New TPM trainings to Volvo Car Corporation

Gothia Logistics carries out a new training program at school of production at Volvo Car Corporation even this year. The courses are: Basic TPM and Operator Maintenance .

The project includes E-learning plus guidance and tests, seminars and practical trainings at the site. The first study group is composed of production leaders from the Swedish factories in Torslanda and Skövde. Production technicians from plants in Europe is going to take part in the next trainings.


Participating in Norrköping

Gothia Logistics participated at Norrköping's industry trade fair at Stadium Arena during the 8th-9th May. The theme was "We support the work to develop Norrköpings' industry". The participation gave us the chance to meet interesting contacts and gain experience.

personalen vid mässmontern

The winner in our lottery is Peter Berggren from MiROi. He will get a free module course from our education programs.


New work partner in Gothia Logistics

Today we would like to welcome Yu-Jie Chen to join us.
She is going to help us with further company contact in China under a project. Her presentation of the project is to be published on our website soon and everyone is welcome to take part in it.


Workshop in China

Last week we made our first workshop in China, at the company AQ Electric in Suzhou.
The participants learned by playing a game, made of Lego pieces. Our instructions are translated to Chinese. We got help to translate from English to Chinese from the HR-manager.

The Workshop aimed to provide practical training in groups - by playing a game - in how to craft instructions to assemble an excavator of Lego bricks.

Now the participants read our course 5S - Sort out and Organize, in our education system, Instant Education.

See picture


5S in Chinese

Now 80% of the staff at Sapa Heat Transfer Shanghai completed the course 5S, in Chinese.


Training of staff in China

Today all personnel at the factory of Sapa Heat Transfer Shanghai, start reading the course Lean 5S - Sort out and Organize.


Our CEO has been in China again

He has returned with new interesting contacts with universities and companies.

Follow this link till our Chinese site!


Result of trip to China

We now translate our first course in Mandarin.
We chose our course 5S - Order and method.


China trip

Our CEO Kjell-Åke Rönnberg is flying to China today for a 10-day trip. There he will meet with customers and prospective customers among Swedish industrial companies that are established in China.

Kjell-Åke will visit Beijing, Shanghai and Kunshan.


New course: Basic Lean Production

We have now extended our course library with yet another course. The new course is called Basic Lean Production.

The course contains basic information about how to a company can prepare before starting an implementation of the tool Lean Production.

The course takes you through the world of manufacturing companies, from history and background to how the future can be shaped to lead to success with help from Lean Production.

This is a wide course where the participants can develop their knowledge and also lay the foundation for further studies in this sublect.

Read more about the course here >>


General agreement with Aros Quality Group

Gothia Logistics has entered a general agreement with Aros Quality Group regarding educational and consultancy services.

AQ is one of Sweden's leading suppliers of components and systems for industrial customers with high demands. They deliver to industries in Sweden but also to export markets.

AQ group includes about 20 manufacturing units in Sweden, China, Estonia, Bulgaria and Italy.


Yet another article with Gothia Logistics

The Swedish magazine Perspektiv - ledningssystem och utveckling (nr. 162) has this week mentioned us in one of their articles. The article is about Emba Machinery AB in Örebro, Sweden, the work with Lean Production and the fact that they have used our courses to train their personnel in Lean Production.

Read more about our courses in Lean Production>>


Global education project

We have now signed a general agreement with a global multinational company with the purpose to organize an education project for their personnel. The education will deal with the subject Supply Chain Management and will include subjects such as purchase, production and distribution. The course material will be translated into a number of languages depending on the students' whereabouts.


New student follow-up system

In order to improve the contact with our students, and to support our student in the best possible way, we have developed a new student follow-up system.

The system detects student that for example have difficulties maintaining a regular study routine, who use a questionable study technique or if someone is in need of extra support in their training.

The system also lets us know if a student has done an excellent job in the first part of the course so that we can send him/her a message with some extra praise.

Thanks to this system we can coach all of our students, the ones who need extra support but also the ones who manage on their own. Through the system we can support the students either in their course book, by sending them an email or simply by calling them and asking how they are doing.

The purpose of the system is to help as many as possible to pass their courses. This proves that studying over the internet does not have to mean that you have to make it on your own.


The magazine Perspektiv writes about us

The Swedish magazine Perspektiv - ledningssystem och utveckling (nr. 161) has this week publiced an article about us and our educations. The article discusses our work with Lean Production through e-learning, development work and networks.

Read more about our courses in Lean Production>>


Article about us in Inköp & Logistik

The Swedish magazine Inköp & Logistik has this week published an article about us and our e-learning courses. The article also brings up our cooperation with Alfa Laval and how personnel from their factories all around the world have studied our e-learning courses.

Read more about our courses >>


Ericsson studies course in materials flow

Ericsson in Katrineholm, Sweden has just begun studying a customized course in materials flow and warehousing. Thanks to our flexible system, we have developed a unique course, which is composed by different parts of our existing courses in order to suit Ericsson's demand and wishes. We wish our students at Ericsson good luck with their studies.

Read more about how we customize courses >>


Gothia celebrates 15 year anniversary

This year Gothia Logistics is celebrating its 15th anniversary. This means that we have now worked with organizational development and education in logistics since 1992 and have over 15 years of experience.

During the last 10 years we have also put focus on developing the modern training method e-learning. Nowadays, more and more companies have realized that by using studies over the internet they can make their organization more efficient and at the same time develop their personnel.


ITT Flygt learns Lean

ITT Flygt in Emmaboda, Sweden has just begun studying a customized course in Lean Production. The course has been adjusted to fit their needs and wishes and includes company-specific information as well as their own material. We wish our students at ITT Flygt good luck with their studies.

Read more about our course in Lean Production >>


Lean Production Education for Ericsson

During this spring and summer Ericsson in Katrineholm have started an education project with our Swedish course in Lean Production for the main part of their staff. By the end of July the first hundred of these students have finished the course and received their course certificates. We wish the rest and future Ericsson students good luck. You can read about our English course Introduction to Lean Production here >>


New Course for Alfa Laval

We have, during this spring, finished another company specific education for Alfa Laval. This time it is an English course in Global Purchasing. The course is now deployed and the first students in Sweden, Denmark, UK, USA and India have started there studies. You can read about our standard courses in Purchasing here. >>


New course in Lean Production

We have now extended our course library and added another course in Lean Production. The course is called Introduction to Lean Production and is a short introductory course in the methods and pronciples concerning Lean Production

Read more about the course Introduction to Lean Production >>


We’re changing our name

We're now changing our name back to Gothia Logistics AB. In connection to this change of name we also give our home page a new look. However, the name Instant education is kept as the name for our education platform.

The reason for the change of name is to clarify our work with organizational development and logistics.

Read more about Gothia Logistics' history here >>


New homepage

In connection with the name change, we have also made some changes to our home page. Besides graphical improvements and improvements in content, the big news is that our course library is now generated directly from our database. Thanks to this new function, our courses will always be up to date and include the latest information.


Customized Production Techniques

In the beginning of this year we started working on a customized variation of the course Production Techniques for Alfa Laval in Lund, Sweden. Alfa Laval wanted the course to contain information and material about the Lean Production philosophy and working with Six Sigma.

Read more about how we work with Customized Courses>>


Lean Production Education at Ericsson

We have started an extensive education program for Ericsson AB in Sweden. The purpose of the education is to give the company's employees a mutual knowledge about Lean production in an efficient and easy way.

Read more about our e-learning course Introduction to Lean Production >>


Customized Course in Purchasing

Together with Alfa Laval, we have developed a variation of the course International Purchasing, which will be studied worldwide within Alfa Laval. The course includes customized material from Alfa Laval's organization and fits their needs and wishes.

Read more about how we work with Customized Courses >>


Alfa Laval University Technical Faculty

Our international courses are now part of Alfa Laval's program for further training - Alfa Laval Technical Faculty. Alfa Laval has also decided to use our company-adjusted educational solution called Instant Academy. By using this solution, the courses are integrated in their intranet in order to function as smoothly as possible.

Read more about how such a solution can facilitate your studies under Instant Academy >>

See all our courses at